Eagle OTR Debeader



Cycle time: 5 to 15 minutes


Portable Diesel:
84 HP V3600T KUBOTA  Diesel Engine


Portable Electric:
60 HP, 3 Phase, 50Hz Electric Motor


Standard safety features:
Emergency E-stop buttons, hydraulic tyre positioning


Minimum Tyre Capacity: 20.5R25
Maximum Radial Tyre Capacity: 59/80R63
Average Hourly Production: 6 to 8 tyres
Average Cycle Time: 10 minutes on giant tyres, 5 minutes on smaller tyres


Safely pulls the beads from a 20.5R25 OTR Tyre up to a 59/80R63 OTR tyre.

Eagle OTR Punch Cutter MK II



Cycle time: 8 to 11 minutes


Portable Diesel:
84 HP V3600T KUBOTA  Diesel Engine


Portable Electric:
25 HP, 3 Phase, 50Hz Electric Motor


Minimum Tyre Capacity: 29" (74cm) sidewall height
Maximum Tyre Capacity: 50" (127cm) sidewall height
Average Hourly Production: 2.5 tyres
Average Cycle Time: 18 minutes 


Unit designed to split OTR tyres into two halves ("bagels"). 

Unit cuts through the centre of the tread.

This unit can be programmed to operate automatically. 

Eagle OTR Titan II



Cycle time: 30 seconds per tyre segment 


Portable Diesel:
173 HP DEUTZ TIER 3 Diesel Engine


Portable Electric:
125 HP, 50Hz Electric Motor


Maximum Tyre Capacity: Up to Bagel Cut 59/80R63 or 40.00/57 whole tyre
Average Hourly Production: 8 to 10 tyres


This unit has the ability to handle and cut large OTR and mining tyres.

Can shear up to 44" across the tread and up to 14 feet in diameter.

Location of cylinder mount and blade design allows equal cutting pressure throughout cutting cycle time.

Eagle Car and Truck Tyre Debeader



Cycle time: 30 seconds


Portable Diesel:
84 HP KUBOTA TIER 3 Diesel Engine


Portable Electric:
80 HP, 460V,  3 Phase, 50Hz Electric Motor


Minimum Tyre Capacity: 255/70R22.5 or Equal (passenger car)
Maximum Tyre Capacity: Super Single Radial 
Average Hourly Production: 50 truck tyres / 100 car tyres 


Removes beads from truck and car tyres. 

Removal of bead wire prior to shredding allows for a cleaner end product. 

Bead removal results in less wear on the moving parts of a tyre shredder. 

Eagle EB 4566 Truck Tyre Baler 



Cycle time: 30 seconds


Portable Diesel:
50 HP DEUTZ TIER 4 Diesel Engine


Stationary Electric:
25 HP, 230/460V, 3 Phase, 50Hz Electric Motor


Bale Size: 45" x 54" x 72" 2500lbs / 1.1m x 1.4m x 1.8m 1.1 ton

Minimum Tyre Capacity: 13" Car Tyre

Maximum Tyre Capacity: 45" Truck Tyre
Average Hourly Production: 4 Tyre Bales


This unit bales waste tyres to form an "Enviro Block". 

Designed to eliminate collection of waste water, reduce volume, reduce fire hazard.

Provides beneficial usage of waste tyres in baled form. 

Reduce volume of tyres for transport to the tyre processing station. 

Can compress car tyres and truck tyre halves. 

Eagle EB 3260 Car & Light Truck Tyre Baler 



Cycle time: 30 seconds


Portable Diesel:
50 HP DEUTZ TIER 4 Diesel Engine


Stationary Electric:
25 HP, 230/460V, 3 Phase, 50Hz Electric Motor


Bale Size: 30" x 54" x 60" 2000lbs / 0.75m x 1.4m x 1.5m 910kg

Minimum Tyre Capacity: 13" Car Tyre

Maximum Tyre Capacity: half a Truck Tyre 
Average Hourly Production: 4 Tyre Bales


This unit bales waste tyres to form an "Enviro Block". 

Designed to eliminate collection of waste water, reduce volume, reduce fire hazard.

Provides beneficial usage of waste tyres in baled form. 

Reduce volume of tyres for transport to the tyre processing station. 

Can compress car tyres and truck tyre halves.